These terms and conditions govern the use of the Peak Marine Wanaka website site.  By accessing and using this site, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions.  Peak Marine Wanaka may change these terms and conditions from time to time.  

“Peak Marine Wanaka” means MW Marine Ltd, trading as Peak Marine Wanaka. 


You may make use of this site for personal use, non-commercial use or research, provided that any reproduction includes a prominent acknowledgement of Peak Marine Wanaka’s rights in the relevant content.  You may not use this site or the content on it for any other purpose or in any other way. 


An order made via this site is an offer to purchase one or more products.  When you place your order, Peak Marine Wanaka will email you an acknowledgement.   If there are any issues with your order we will try to contact you.

Acknowledgement of your order or acceptance by Peak Marine Wanaka of payment for your order does not constitute acceptance of your order.  Peak Marine Wanaka’s acceptance of an order does not take place until the order is dispatched to you.  

Where possible your order will be sent in one consignment.  However, Peak Marine Wanaka may send your order in multiple shipments.

The risk of any loss of, or damage to, any product will pass to you on delivery. Peak Marine Wanaka may, in its entire and unfettered discretion, refuse an order.  Refusal may, for example, result from: 

  • The product ordered being unavailable, or

  • Fraudulent activity flags being activated, or

  • The identification of an error within the product information, including price or promotion

Please note that stock levels are indicative only.


The products will comply, in all material respects, with their product descriptions appearing on this site at the time when you submit the order. If a product does not comply with it's product description, you may return the product(s) and accept a refund or exchange the product(s). See the Returns page for more information.


Peak Marine Wanaka has tried to ensure the content on this site is current, accurate and complete.  However Peak Marine Wanaka does not guarantee the content will be current, accurate or complete when you access it.  Peak Marine Wanaka provides the content on, or accessed through, this site, on an “as is” basis.  You must make your own assessment of the suitability of the content and/or products for your own purposes. You are solely responsible for the actions you take in reliance on the content on or accessed through this site.   Users seeking to rely on or verify any content or products contained on this site should contact Peak Marine Wanaka.  Peak Marine Wanaka may change the content or products on this site at any time without notice.


To the extent permitted by law:

  •  All warranties, representations and guarantees (whether express, implied or statutory) are excluded, including without limit, suitability, fitness for purpose, freedom from virus, accuracy or completeness of this site or the content on or accessed through it; and

  • Peak Marine Wanaka will not be liable for any damage, loss or expenses, or indirect losses or consequential damages of any kind, suffered or incurred by you in connection with your access to or use of this site or the content on or accessed through it.

If your use of this site or its content is subject to the Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (“CGA”), you may have rights or remedies which are not excluded or limited by the above.  If you are using this site or its content for business purposes, the above exclusions and limitations will apply and the CGA will not apply.


All other product, service and brand names and logos on this site are trademarks of the companies who manufacture or supply the relevant product, service and brand names. 

All other content on this site is owned by Peak Marine Wanaka (or the relevant content supplier).  Peak Marine Wanaka is the exclusive owner of all rights in the compilation, design and layout of this site.


This site may contain third party content and links to third party websites.  These have not been prepared by and are not controlled by Peak Marine Wanaka.  They are provided for your convenience only, and do not imply that Peak Marine Wanaka checks, endorses, approves or agrees with third party content on this site or the third party websites it links to.  If you wish to link to any part of this site, you must get Peak Marine Wanaka prior written consent. 


Any insurance placed or referred to via this website is at the customers own risk.  If you are in doubt as to your rights or obligations under an insurance contract, you should seek independent advice.


These terms and conditions and any matters or disputes connected with this site will be governed by New Zealand law and will be dealt with in New Zealand courts.